Ulrich Witzsch
Specialist in Urology
With over 35 years of experience in the field of urology and pediatric urology, my focus is on providing individualized care to my patients. I like to invest time in detailed diagnosis, consultation and treatment of my patients.
Special qualifications
Certified Investigator (GCP- Good Clinical Practice)
Quality officer as well as internal auditor
in health care
Medical Riskmanagement
Quality management in medicine
Quality manager in health care
(DIN EN ISO 9001 + EFQM)
Business Riskmanagement
Radiology diagnostic - urinary tract
Hygiene Officer
Expert knowledge in rescue service
Transfusion Officer
Laser Safety Protection Officer
Expert knowledge in radiation protection
Working group activities
Chair: Arbeitskreis Informationstechnologie und Dokumentation (IT@DOC ) der deutschen Gesellschaft für Urologie (DGU)
Founding member: Arbeitskreis fokale und Mikrotherapie (DGU)
Founding member: Arbeitskreis Versorgungsforschung, Qualität und Ökonomie (DGU)
Co-Chair: European Study Group for Cryoablation of the Prostate (EUCAP)
Chair: Interdisziplinärer Uroonkologischer Arbeitskreis Rhein-Main
Memberships a.o.
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Urologie
Südwestdeutsche Gesellschaft für Urologie
European Association of Urology (EAU)
American Urological Association (AUA)
Société Internationale d'Urologie (SIU)
International Society for Sexual Medicine (ISSM)
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Stosswellenlithotripsie (DGSWL)
Deutsches Prostatakonsortium
Interdisziplinärer Uroonkologischer Arbeitskreis Rhein-Main
Gesellschaft für Inkontinenzhilfe (GIH)
Norddeutsche Gesellschaft für Urologie